Gender Clients
Gender Clients
Gender Clients
Pure Electrolysis works with the gender client to help ease the transition. If you are RLT (Real Life Test), or MTF (Male to Female), you will probably want your facial hair removed as soon as possible. Privacy is of extreme importance as we understand individuals can be in many different stages of transition. If you are not ready to share your transition with others, please let us know so that we may plan treatments accordingly.

Hormones play a very large roll in hair growth. Once you begin hormone therapy, hair growth can slow and become more sparse but it doesn’t disappear. It’s the androgen blockers that really slow the growth so be sure to discuss this with your doctor to ensure this is part of the hormone therapy. Body hair is usually reduced quite significantly by long-term use of feminising hormones, but some transsexuals may still require, or want, some body hair to be cleared by electrolysis.
If you are planning on SRS or GRS, it is important to plan for your hair removal far in advance. If you are a candidate, Laser may be a good option for a start and follow up with electrolysis to remove what is left. Your surgeon can give you a hair removal pattern that they prefer you to follow. Laser treatments will be spaced approximately 6 weeks apart and you will need a minimum of 6 treatments. Then we can proceed with electrolysis. This all takes time, so again, it is very important to plan well in advance.
It is a common practice to have the underside of the skin surgically scraped as a means for removal. It is important to note that this method may not be a permanent option of destruction of the hair follicle as the stem cells are located near the neck of the follicle and can regenerate the follicle if not completely destroyed. It is much easier and more comfortable to remove the hair while it is on the ‘outside’ rather than attempting to remove post-surgery on skin that may now be a part of the reconstructed genitalia.

A typical transsexual, who has developed to adulthood with a male body, will have a typical male facial hair pattern and strong, deep-rooted hair. A large amount of treatment will almost inevitably be required, many hundreds of hours spread over a 2–3 year period, is not unusual; up to five years may be required in some cases. Regrowth may be strong and rapid, necessitating a relatively large amount of treatment per week to make any progress: 4 hours per week is not unusual, of which maybe half could be spent on regrowth in the early stages.
It has occasionally been suggested that it is necessary for transsexual clients to have their facial hair cleared at least to the point of being able to stop shaving before GRS goes ahead. This is not true: while any transsexual will wish to be cleared as fast as possible, for the majority electrolysis will take longer than the ‘Real Life Test’ and will continue after GRS, and there is no reason to delay GRS while electrolysis is completed.
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