Frequently Asked Questions
The hair needs to be long enough for me to grab with tweezers and remove. This is usually about 3 to 4 days of growth, depending on how quickly or slowly your hair grows.
In between treatments, I only recommend cutting or shaving the hair, ONLY if you cannot stand to let it grow until your next treatment.
If you have been waxing, threading, or tweezing, it is VERY important to STOP! When you remove the hair by these methods you are actually stimulating the follicle as well as surrounding follicles. What happens is the hair grows thicker, deeper and almost always darker. The hair can also become distorted which can result in ingrowns and pimples.
This just means we are already booked. Online booking is available up to 30 days in advance. **The software will NOT show the schedule beyond 30 days.** Re-schedules happen frequently and I encourage you to check back often if you are looking for a sooner appointment.
Unfortunately, no. The new scheduling software, Acuity Scheduling, does not currently offer a waitlist. I am hopeful they will update this to keep up with consumer needs.
Yes, but NOT during an outbreak. The nerves on the face are all interconnected and electrolysis performed even far away from an outbreak site on the face can lead to an outbreak all over. Please be advised if you have a scheduled appointment and get an outbreak, you need to cancel. If you come to your appointment with a sore, I cannot perform any treatment and you will be charged for your appointment time.
A big concern for M2F gender clients is electrolysis and their SRS. If you know you plan to have the surgery, please consult with your surgeon regarding your genital electrolysis plans. It is very important to find out what your surgeon may, or may not, want you to do. Consulting your surgeon before mapping out a treatment plan with me is very important as well as planning well in advance. It will take time to clear the area completely.
By sliding a tiny probe into each follicle and applying a split-second impulse of heat, the hair is freed for removal.
Your reaction to the treatment entirely depends on the energy needed, the length of your session, what hormonal and/or endocrine issues you may have, medications you are taking, skincare regimen, and your own unique skin sensitivity.
At your first visit I will provide you with recommendations to comfort your skin after the treatment.
Pure Electrolysis does not treat the bikini area unless there is a doctor’s prescription or a surgical diagram for those prepping for gender affirming surgery. If you suffer from folliculitis or severe ingrowns, please discuss with a doctor prior to seeking our services. If you are prepping for surgery, please have a diagram ready, signed by your surgeon, prior to any bikini area electrolysis appointments.
This is the by far the most commonly asked question. The total treatment time (TTT) of Electrolysis varies with each individual. If you follow your Electrologists instructions carefully, obtaining a full clearance every growth cycle, you can expect regular treatments for approximately 18-24 months. Hormones, medications, diet and lifestyle can all greatly impact your hair growth. Endocrine disorders must be addressed with doctor supervision and lifestyle changes if necessary. Insulin (think carbs and sugar), stress, lack of sleep, medications, all have an effect on our endocrine systems.
Absolutely not! Women, men, teens and transgender can all benefit from electrolysis. It is common, it is natural, and it is always confidential. All are welcome!
At Pure we believe in the ‘clear and wait’ approach to permanent hair removal. This means, one full clearance per growth cycle. The time it takes for a full clearance depends on the area to be treated, the density of the hair, and the previous removal methods. Each part of the body has a different growth cycle length. On average, and a broad stroke, is a clearance approximately once every 6 weeks. The treatment time itself will gradually decrease as we have cleared through each cycle.
Sensitivity levels vary with each individual. The thickness of the hair, previous removal methods, density, depth, and distortion all effect the energy needed to accurately destroy the follicle. To me it feels like a sting. The needed length of your session and your personal sensitivity will also play a part in comfort or discomfort.
At your first visit we will discuss recommendations to enhance comfort during the treatment, if needed.
While Pure specifically treats excessive hormonal hair growth, any part of the body can benefit from electrolysis except inside the nose. Any color of skin and any color and thickness of hair can be successfully treated by Electrolysis.
Both methods of hair removal have their advantages and limitations. Depending on your specific situation either one can be helpful. Laser is a newer method which continues to evolve, and is geared to treat large areas of the body and large amounts of hair. However, it will not treat blonde, grey or white hair. Caution should be taken when treating the eyebrows, darker skin tones, and skin which tends to pigment with exposure to sun. Laser is also NOT permanent, it works to shrink hair follicles resulting in a thinner regrowth.
Electrolysis can treat any hair, anywhere, as well as any skin color. Electrolysis IS permanent, it destroys the germinating cells which create a hair follicle and stops the blood supply which nourishes the hair follicle.
If you have the right combination of skin and hair color, I recommend Laser for the treatment of large areas and more dense growth such as the bikini area, back, legs, and arms.
I recommend Electrolysis for the treatment of androgenic facial and body hair growth including, but not limited to, the upper and lower lip, chin, cheeks, and neck, around the areola and the abdomen.